




根管治疗的主要目标是彻底消灭微生物,使牙齿和根尖处(包括牙周组织和周围的根尖骨)达到无菌环境,以有利于愈合的环境,而无需进行根尖周手术。一些耐药病例。最近,由于激光的杀菌作用和生物刺激作用,激光的使用在牙髓领域引起了越来越多的兴趣。在本病例报告中,选择了5例诊断为坏死牙髓和根尖周病变的病例。术前对每位患者进行 CBCT 扫描,以验证根尖周病变的大小(5-10 毫米)和骨密度。进入根管后采集微生物样本,传统根管治疗后以及使用二极管激光(980 nm)和 200 µm 光纤进行根管照射后,以评估每次手术后的细菌计数。每位患者在 6 个月随访后进行第二次 CBCT 扫描,以评估愈合过程。用二极管激光照射根管后细菌被完全消灭。CBCT 扫描评估显示,6 个月随访后,根尖周病变尺寸减小,密度增加。由此可见,激光治疗可作为常规牙髓治疗的辅助手段,以提高口腔感染的治疗质量。这可能会使患者免于侵入性手术干预。B. Ali Impex 是一家巴基斯坦公司,自 1988 年以来生产几乎所有类型的牙科器械和手术器械。我们借此机会提交一些常见出口产品的报价。如果您没有找到您感兴趣的仪器,请告知我们产品的名称和/或规格,我们将为您报出最优惠的价格。种植体周围疾病是种植牙患者的常见现象。据报道,种植体周围粘膜炎的患病率为 43%(范围为 19% 至 65%)。先前存在的种植体周围粘膜炎以及缺乏 SPT 依从性与种植体周围炎的较高发生率相关。种植体周围粘膜炎的治疗应被视为种植体周围炎发作的预防措施。经济计量固定假体在预防和控制生物并发症方面对患者和牙医都显示出多种优势。此外,还提供了圆锥莫尔斯固位体的体外和临床性能数据,以证实种植体支持修复替代方案的这种趋势。


Due to the importance of appearance, the aesthetic corrections of the nose have been of interest since antiquity. In the middle ages, Gaspare Tagliacozzi introduced the famous “Italian method” for reconstruction of traumas and nasal deformities. During the 20th century various surgical techniques of rhinoplasty were created. However, Broeckaert, who is considered the Father of Modern Rhinoplasty was the first to perform nasal corrections using liquid paraffin filling in the early 20th century. Since then, physicians in favour of non-invasive procedures have developed safer techniques and materials for the correction of nasal defects. Although considered gold standard, the surgical approach to nasal defects is an invasive procedure, which often requires a fracture of the nasal bone. The fillers appear as an alternative for correction of small nasal defects, complementation or correction after the surgical procedure. Although not definitive, they have gained space because they are less traumatic and painful, and present minimal complications compared to traditional rhinoplasty. The search for safe, long-lasting materials and of predictable effects is continuous. Hyaluronic Acid fillers are currently the most widely used procedure, because of the ease of application, predictable efficacy, good safety profile and rapid patient recovery. This presentation will describe technique and will present clinical cases of rinomodeling with Hyaluronic Acid. The most aesthetic prosthetic rehabilitations are directly linked to the emergency profile of the crowns. Conventional stent-supported prostheses, normally, present problems in the gingival-pontic transition area, since the absence of a retentive element prostheses are made with vestibular over configuration, to simulate the existence of a gingival concave arch and, consequently, to optimize its emergency aspect. In implant-supported prostheses this emergency is facilitated itself because of the insertion of an artificial root, in the case of the implant, in the prosthetic space provides a foundation for the emergency of the prosthetic crown. After conditioning the gingival tissue, it can be brought back to its original configuration with return of the papillae and a new regular concave arch. The choice of a fixed prosthesis rather than isolated elements is guided by the number of implants installed which often does not coincide with the number of crowns to be replaced or by the size of the anchorages when short implants can work connected to each other or to other longer ones favouring the biomechanical aspect of reconstruction. To achieve partial or total fixed prostheses with a subgingival emergency profile it is necessary that the bone area where the implants will be installed do not have loss of alveolar height after exodontia or if it occurred that it was very small or even with an immediate placement of implants after exodontia. Clinical studies performed in the UNINCOR Implantodon specialization, based on the literature, reveal exceptional aesthetic probabilities for these cases. Socket preservation and ridge augmentation of rhBMP-2 has been introduced during last decade. GBR technique has been well established in bone regeneration. rhBMP-2 graft technique is different with GBR. This has been well proved in animal studies. Instead of the large flap operation for barrier membrane, the tunnel approach and minimal flap could be replaced. Socket graft has usually been covered with the free gingival graft and coronally advanced flap. rhBMP-2 stimulates the proliferation of new blood vessel through VEGF secretion from stem cells. With this function of rhBMP-2, the open wound of socket could be healed with new connective tissue and epithelium. The multiple continuous socket and the multiple wall defected socket were safely healed. Finally, the customized healing abutment and temporary prosthesis could be easy connected for the closure of socket wound without flap operation. The emergence profile of prosthesis could be naturally formed. It has been proved in animal studies that the autogenous bone could be replaced to the synthetic bone with rhBMP-2. It is proved that the tenting effect of implant coated with rhBMP-2 could support the vertical increase of bone height. In atrophic mandibular posterior ridge, implants were placed in level of 3 mm above ridge and rhBMP-2 bone graft was filled up to the top of implant. The grafted bone level was maintained until 6 months after functional loading. Without autogenous bone graft and the healing period of graft, the implant placement and ridge augmentation were simultaneously done. In narrow ridge of mandibular posterior ridge, the attached gingiva is usually diminished. The soft tissue healing effect of rhBMP-2 could increase the width of attached gingiva with combination of healing abutment and tissue expanding sheet instead of free gingival graft.

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