国际标准期刊号: 2157-7013
当我们渴望治愈癌症时,我们可能只需要寻找可治愈的癌症,例如睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤(TGCT)。毕竟,生殖细胞是原始干细胞。重要的是,TGCT 提供了经典的癌症干细胞模型,为我们提供了一些治疗其他难治性实体瘤的宝贵经验。
The intrinsic intratumoral heterogeneity of TGCT alludes to its stem-ness origin and nature. Which implicates the existence of putative lethal TGCT subtypes-the identification and detection of which may further enhance the cure rate and improve the therapeutic ratio of TGCT
In this Mini review, we discuss about the role of biologic insights, clinical lessons, and therapeutic strategies in drug and therapy development. We illustrate some clinical pearls and perils when it concerns drug versus therapy development in the cure and care of patients with TGCT.