国际标准期刊号: 2155-6148
Dauri M、Celidonio L、Fabbi E、Nahmias S、Faria S、Coniglione F 和 Silvi MB
研究目的:比较全髋关节置换术 (THA) 后连续腰椎硬膜外阻滞 (CLEB) 与连续腰丛神经阻滞 (CLPB) 以及 CLPB 联合单次骶旁坐骨神经阻滞 (CLEBS) 获得的术后镇痛效果。
方法: 78 例 ASA I-III 接受择期 THA 的患者被随机分配接受 CLEB(n=24、15-20 ml 5 mg/ml 罗哌卡因、舒芬太尼 10 mg、可乐定 1 mg/ml)、CLPB(n=22、 3mg/kg 5 mg/ml 罗哌卡因,最多 40 ml、可乐定 1 mg/ml、舒芬太尼 10 mg)或 CLPBS(n=23,CLPB 如上所述;坐骨神经:20 ml 罗哌卡因 5 mg/ml,可乐定 1 毫克/毫升)。所有患者均接受罗哌卡因2mg/ml、8ml/h持续输注48小时。主要结果是疼痛强度评估(VAS 和 VS)。次要结局是术后阿片类药物总消耗量、血流动力学稳定性、运动阻滞、失血量、术中舒芬太尼和丙泊酚消耗量、患者满意度和并发症。
Results: VAS was lower in the CLEB group than in the CLPB and CLPBS groups respectively for 6 and 12 hours postoperatively (post-surgery p<0.001, 2h p<0.001, 6h p<0.001, 12h p<0.03)(Table 2). Moreover, CLPSB patients reported lower VAS than CLPB patients from the end of the surgery till the 12th follow up hour (Table 2). VS was lower in the CLEB group from the end of surgery to 6h postoperatively (Table 3). The CLPB group showed higher morphine consumption than the CLPSB and CLEB groups over 12 h postoperatively (p=0.05); thereafter, no statistically significant differences were observed between groups at the end of follow up (48h) (p=0.4) (Table 4).