

国际标准期刊号: 2155-9570


Conferences Series LLC 第五届全球儿科眼科大会年会,以促进全球研究 - 眼科补偿趋势



Conferences Series LLC 于 2020 年 3 月 2 日至 3 日在意大利罗马成功举办了第四届全球儿科眼科大会。超过58位杰出科学家、研究人员;院士们参与分享世界范围内与眼科相关的研究进展、知识和专业知识。会议于 3 月 7 日至 8 日举行,为期 2 天,顶尖的学术科学家、研究人员和学者将分享他们在眼科会议各个方面的经验和研究成果。

第五届全球儿科眼科大会开幕,随后意大利拉奎拉大学的 Silvia Bisti 和巴西里约热内卢 PUC 的 Djenane Pamplona 发表了题为“光诱导的视网膜变性:时间进程和神经保护”的主题演讲标题为“皮肤扩张创新的新进展”。会议由法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学的 Isabelle Ranchon-Cole 担任主席,意大利拉奎拉大学的 Silvia Bisti 担任联合主席


第二天,埃及坦塔大学的穆罕默德·A·埃尔德苏基 (Mohamed A. Eldesouky) 就孤立的单眼内收缺陷:一种新型综合征进行了富有洞察力的会议。会议以海报展示结束。

通过由著名科学和专业专家组成的组委会网络的支持,如阿根廷圣卢西亚医院的 Matias S Haffar、法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学的 Isabelle Ranchon-Cole、美国西奈山医疗中心的 Suhail M Hadi,它提供了一个平台促进同事、供应商和学术界之间的合作,揭示眼科治疗和护理方面的新创新、解决方案、想法和新兴技术。

第六届全球儿科眼科大会将于 2021 年 3 月 2 日至 3 日在意大利罗马举行

Conferences Series LLC 非常高兴邀请





Scientific community across the globe to the 6th Global Pediatric Ophthalmology Congress during March 02-03, 2021 in Rome, Italy. Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is the fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits.

Rome has the status of a global city in 2016 and ranked as the 14th most visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the European Union and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy. This meeting will explore advances in the Pediatric Ophthalmology

The upcoming Pediatric Ophthalmology Conference 2021focuses on physical rehabilitation and the treatment, diagnosis, prevention and study of Ophthalmology diseases. This conference will also present advanced research, advanced techniques for treatment of health conditions and lifestyle-related to Ophthalmology too.

The participants can exchange and share their research results covering the scientific aspect of Ophthalmology & Ophthalmology Techniques, Ophthalmology in Treatment and Care, Ophthalmology Management and Retina and Retinal Diseases, Cornea Disorders And Treatment, Ophthalmology Surgery, Glaucoma: A Vision Loss, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Neurotrophic Keratopathy, New Surgical Treatments For Glaucoma Refractive Errors in Children in the Ophthalmology Conference 2021. The conference will encourage Young Researcher’s Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea. The ‘Best Poster Award’ is meant to encourage students in taking an active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase.

2021 年儿科眼科会议的赞助商可以接触并接触新客户、客户、业务、品牌知名度和媒体曝光。赞助有不同级别的高级赞助套餐:精英赞助、银牌赞助、金牌赞助、展览赞助、附加赞助套餐、广告赞助。第五届全球儿科眼科大会将由著名的科学和专业知识组成的组委会网络组成。

