

国际标准期刊号: 0975-8798, 0976-156X


牙科材料 2018:通过减压或有袋手术成功保守治疗口腔病变:病例系列 - Akram Belmehdiy - 穆罕默德五世大学



该节目调查了牙科行为中最容易发生的最常见的临床错误;追溯 ADA 为避免临床错误而提出的建议,并描述如何促进潜在的驾驶员检查和活动,以防止进一步的临床错误

Under this classification there are clinical mistakes identified with wrong estimation of remedial measurement of sedative, absense of pain, or endorsed drugs; blunder in the genuine conveyance of a sedative or absense of pain; and mistake from inappropriate solution of prescription before, or following treatment. Blunder results from an absence of information or comprehension of the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic standards related with drug treatment including drug retention, dissemination, digestion, and end, instrument of activity and general impacts dental medical care suppliers have a commitment to know about these likely mistakes and standards of medication conveyance and recommend medicine as needs be. As far as medication ingestion, consider that any drug applied topically to oral mucous layers will sidestep the entry dissemination, subsequently staying away from first-pass digestion by the liver. Consequently a drug conveyed through mucosal retention can have equivalent or more noteworthy intensity than oral or different courses of organization. For instance, indiscriminant utilization of a prescription, it ought to be valued that a few medications, like diazepam, are extremely dissolvable in lipid and stored into fat tissue, with later delivery during actual work; a thought that is significant when such a medication is given to a competitor or to the geriatric patient.


传输的另一部分被认为是微粒体作用的影响,该作用涉及许多药物交流和不友好的影响。据统计,90% 的药物是由细胞色素 P450 化合物利用的(该类化合物至少包含 50 种化学物质)。例如,在患者认可的苯巴比妥(苯巴比妥)中,苯巴比妥会启动 CYP3A4 催化剂(50 种变体之一)的产生,而由该化合物处理的其他推荐处方可能会不太引人注目。联合处方(除 CYP3A4 使用的处方外还添加苯巴比妥)导致的充分性下降将被视为认可错误。此类错误的另外两个实例记得,服用华法林的患者因联合推荐氟康唑(Diflucan®)治疗口腔念珠菌病而改变了凝血功能,以及联合推荐服用辛伐他汀(Zocor®)或Tegretol®的患者服用辛伐他汀(Zocor®)或Tegretol®的肌肉病或横纹肌溶解症与红霉素一起治疗牙科疾病。对于服用 Prozac® 或 Paxil®(抑制 P450 催化剂 - CYP2D6 的运动)认可的缓解疼痛药物(如可待因、氢可酮或羟考酮)的患者,在提供术后护理缓解不适方面可能不太有说服力,这些模型会造成临床错误。

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证.