

国际标准期刊号: 0975-8798, 0976-156X


2018 年牙科世界:通过团队方法回顾颌面修复的卓越表现 - Maninder Hundal - Armed Forces Dental Clinic



精心治疗的结果是由于下颌骨进展丧失而导致的下颌偏差,以及相关的修改肌肉工作在临床上会导致面部不平衡和咬合不正。滞留的下颌骨向内侧和上方偏离,并且根据切除的面积和程度、脆弱组织和神经支配的程度、是否存在保持正常的牙齿(在无牙颌中偏离的下颌发育更为明显)而变得非常明显。患者比具有普通颌间关系的有牙牙患者)。对与舌头、下颌骨和附近结构有关的这种危险肿瘤的治疗对专家来说是一个棘手的测试,放射科医生和口腔修复医生在控制基本感染和恢复方面进行了类似的比较。一种名为“引导法兰假体”的修复工具被证明可以限制这种临床症状,同时也可以紧紧抓住有计划的重建仔细治疗,它可以在术后立即作为颌间强迫症使用,也可以在切除后 7-10 天内作为可拆卸的使用。小工具,重建下颌能力。主要目的是重新训练下颌肌肉,为残留的半下颌恢复有价值的咬合关系(理疗能力),以便患者能够充分控制下颌的持续张开和闭合发育。一种名为“引导法兰假体”的修复工具被证明可以限制这种临床症状,同时也可以紧紧抓住有计划的重建仔细治疗,它可以在术后立即作为颌间强迫症使用,也可以在切除后 7-10 天内作为可拆卸的使用。小工具,重建下颌能力。主要目的是重新训练下颌肌肉,为残留的半下颌恢复有价值的咬合关系(理疗能力),以便患者能够充分控制下颌的持续张开和闭合发育。一种名为“引导法兰假体”的修复工具被证明可以限制这种临床症状,同时也可以紧紧抓住有计划的重建仔细治疗,它可以在术后立即作为颌间强迫症使用,也可以在切除后 7-10 天内作为可拆卸的使用。小工具,重建下颌能力。主要目的是重新训练下颌肌肉,为残留的半下颌恢复有价值的咬合关系(理疗能力),以便患者能够充分控制下颌的持续张开和闭合发育。重建下颌能力。主要目的是重新训练下颌肌肉,为残留的半下颌恢复有价值的咬合关系(理疗能力),以便患者能够充分控制下颌的持续张开和闭合发育。重建下颌能力。主要目的是重新训练下颌肌肉,为残留的半下颌恢复有价值的咬合关系(理疗能力),以便患者能够充分控制下颌的持续张开和闭合发育。

The accomplishment of mandibular direction treatment relies upon early start of the treatment convention, the idea of careful deformity, and the patient participation. This kind of treatment is best in patients whose resection includes just hard constructions, and negligibly tongue, floor of the mouth and adjacent delicate tissues. The anticipation further improves if extremist neck analyzation or radiation treatment isn't included. This is the start of achieved prosthetic restoration utilizing a removable prosthesis of which counterfeit teeth could association created, it was perceived that expert gatherings other than prosthodontics adding to head and neck related consideration wished to take an interest in the association. In perceiving this and the need to make a worldwide association that brought a variety of expert gatherings together, the association was renamed the International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation warrant a steady impediment. For better outcomes the prosthetic administration can be joined with an activity program that can be begun fourteen days after the medical procedure. ISMR interest is in maxillofacial recreation and recovery. This interest isn't prohibitive and relates, in wide design, to head and neck schooling, patient consideration, effort and exploration.

The ISMR enrollment is drawn from the global clinical and examination local area that has an Interest in head and neck related consideration. The mission of the ISMR is to progress interdisciplinary maxillofacial recovery all through the world. The major reason for this mission is to improve reconstructive and rehabilitative maxillofacial consideration fully intent on improving personal satisfaction of people requiring care Literature shows fluctuating essential plan of prostheses utilized, that can be mandibular put together or palatal based moored with respect to regular teeth or guide rib. The point of this logical show is to deliver the significance of ideal started entomb disciplinary cooperation and arranging by the specialist and the prosthodontist other than different controls i.e radiotherapist, language teacher and therapist in order to accomplish most ideal post-usable consequently diminishing patient solace and personal satisfaction.

Patients likewise regularly present with expanded degrees of plaque because of oral torment and xerostomia, expanding the danger of radiation caries. These sequelae ought to be overseen by the dental group. Albeit the significance of oral cleanliness is referenced in the writing, there is little reference to cleanliness Protocols and the imperative commitment an oral hygienist can make. With the 64 extended elements of an oral hygienist and the idea of the oral difficulties, patients invest huge energy with the hygienist during the different periods of head and neck disease treatment. This gives a significant, unhurried chance to interface with the patients to screen progress and the effect of the illness and its treatment on the nature of their lives results as respects usefulness and style in such people. The equivalent is featured through two case reports. Case report 1 is about a person who was not seen by any prosthodontics proceeding just as for almost 4 years after

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