在现代世界,人们越来越寻找完美的微笑,相信它对于社交和职业方面的成功生活很重要。但观察不同患者使用相同形状的标准微笑而不考虑他们身份的各个方面是很常见的。这项工作的主要目标是利用形状和线条等视觉语言元素,根据每个患者的心理提示创造个性化的微笑设计。一旦不仅考虑到审美规则,而且还考虑到新的微笑和个性(每个身份的主要元素)的整合,结果就显得非常有趣。这种做法给患者带来的不仅是美丽的笑容,更是心理上的安慰。无针注射系统的舒适性已被广泛接受,因为它允许无针麻醉。有两种舒适型:软型(口腔内)和普通型(口腔外)。两者相同,一次性使用相同,只是压力发生变化。口腔内注射剂的开发目的是应用于口腔内的任何地方,它也可以完成所有步骤,包括阻塞,但如果直接应用于皮肤上,由于压力较低,它的渗透性不好。额外的口腔还有另一个作用,压力更大,作用在皮肤上,这就是为什么牙医用这种方式来麻醉脸部,可以做金属丝支架、微针、填充物等。如果你从事儿科牙科工作,我们不做推荐使用口腔内的正常模型(口腔外),因为其响度和压力较高。通过 Comfort-in,您可以快速、安全地麻醉患者。使用的麻醉剂应该是您在诊所中已经使用的常规麻醉剂。舒适感将为您带来快速的财务反馈,这将为您的诊所带来差异化。贝尔/多宁方法是一种经科学证明可以识别、治疗、阻止和逆转血管疾病和炎症的医学模型,提倡在所有心血管健康计划中纳入口腔保健成分。牙周病(PD)是由微生物和宿主反应引起的。一旦这些微生物进入血液,菌血症就会产生不利的全身影响,促进心血管疾病等疾病。A 级证据表明 PD 与动脉疾病独立相关。许多研究表明,高风险惩罚性牙周病原体伴放线聚集菌 (Aa)、牙龈卟啉单胞菌 (Pg)、连翘坦纳菌 (Tf)、齿垢密螺旋体 (Td) 和具核梭杆菌 (Fn) 会对心血管系统产生不利影响。这些细菌可以通过多种方式影响脉管系统;Toll 样受体 (TLR)、毒性影响和直接入侵。动脉粥样硬化发病机制的三个基本要素;高风险帕金森病病原体对脂蛋白血清浓度、内皮通透性以及脂蛋白与内膜壁的结合产生不利影响。因此,有理由认为,高危病原体引起的帕金森病是动脉粥样硬化的一个诱因。牙周病或任何口腔炎症的治疗方案应包括识别和减少细菌负荷。医疗和牙科专业人员正在共同努力识别和治疗全身炎症的根源,阻止动脉疾病的进程,并提供最佳的患者护理,从而实现整体健康和福祉。
In clinical studies, the incidence of separated instrument complication has been reported to range from 0.39%–5%. Strindberg et al. found a statistically significant 19% higher failure frequency for cases in which there was instrument breakage compared with cases without breakage. A number of treatment plans for root canals with obstructing objects have been described in the literature. These depend on the location of obstructing inside the canal, if these are in the coronal, middle or apical third. Surgical techniques for the removal of either the object itself or the entire portion of the root encompassing the object have been recommended by others. Until now, no device or instrument removal technique has been described that can result in successful and conservative removal of separated instruments in the hard-to-reach areas of the canal system. The following case report describes an example of such a clinical scenario. Various approaches to manage the broken instrument (how we can bypass, retrieve or refer to specialists) by using different tools (microscope, ultrasonic retrieve kit for different company) will be presented and discussed. Also I am interested to make a live demo to all participants about retrieving separated instruments by using microscope if it is available. Aesthetics means beauty, but who establishes what beauty is? This is surely related to the moment and culture we live. If we compare two beautiful models of different periods, such as Claudia Schiffer and Marilyn Monroe, we can see that they are totally different from each other, what they do have in common is harmony. Much has been done in the last 10 years to improve aesthetics restorative materials, but little attention has been given to perceptions of aesthetics. We often fabricate beautiful crowns on the cast by using new techniques or with the latest materials. When the prostheses are inserted in the patient’s mouth, the shape and the tissues are not in harmony with the facial composition, however, the result is a failure. We think that frequently the key to making restored teeth look natural is to avoid symmetry. So harmony balance and asymmetry are important tool for fabrication crowns that fit not only in the mouth of the patient but are able to improve their facial vitality and underline their personality. Bichectomy, buccal fat expulsion or buccal lipectomy rose in 1980s as a corresponding technique to cases in which the rhytidectomy did not acquire palatable outcomes to orchestrate the center and lower third of the face. These days, this method has come back to noticeable quality and has been broadly utilized for diminishing the face, following exceptionally exact signs. It is a straightforward and extremely safe surgical method, demonstrated for patients with an adjusted and wide face, which can be executed as outpatient surgery under neighborhood anesthesia made out of 2% Mepivacaine and 1:100000 Epinephrine. The outcome is a congruous center and lower third of face.