

国际标准期刊号: 2332-0761


The Facets of Political Instability in Nepal: Causes and Effects

Santa Bahadur Thapa

This paper on political instability in Nepal has written down its causes and effects and combined two aims. First, the research paper will focus on the internal and external factors behind the collapse of Nepalese democracy. In this study, the researcher examined the role of political parties and the monarchy's demise of democracy in Nepal. Second, the interference and meddling of India, China, and America in the politics of Nepal. Nepal's political instability, partisan factionalism, political and personal selfishness, and leaders not being held accountable were the main factors contributing to Nepal's political instability and making it easy for the monarchy to take control. Although the role of the constitutional monarch is recognized, the monarchy has always sought total power and direct rule. Nepal's democratic path must consider the Maoist insurgency and other non-institutional factors. As a result of factionalisation and other related problems, a Proportional Representation (PR) voting system was introduced. The results of this study, changes in the conditions of the political structure in Nepal are necessary for democracy to remain stable. This study also examines Nepal's position towards international actors such as China, the United States and India's sphere of influence on the geopolitical.
