

国际标准期刊号: 2165-7890



彼得森 RE、艾伦 MW*

20 世纪 60 年代,人们认识到自闭症大脑存在形态和生理异常。今天,鉴于许多如此广泛的病理学发现,人们已经声明并重申自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)具有生物学基础,而不是心理基础。尽管如此,除了解决有限症状方面的药物外,自闭症谱系障碍疗法的开发主要集中在基于应用行为分析原理的心理社会测量上。然而,对于后一种方法,尚未建立一种普遍接受的干预措施或一组干预措施,以具有成本效益和时间效率的方式一致、全面地满足大多数自闭症患者的需求。

在检查另一种医疗干预的报告时,吸入氧分压通常在 0.31 至 1.5 个大气压之间的高压氧治疗。对于自闭症等神经系统疾病,我们想知道在没有高压暴露的负担、风险和成本的情况下,单独增加氧分压是否会产生有用的临床结果。因此,在五个试点案例中,我们对患有 ASD 的青春期前和十几岁的男孩进行了一种常压高氧治疗,我们称之为微压®氧疗 (MBO 2 )。所有结果都是积极的,有些结果非常积极,并且解决了受试者的全部症状。此外,对几个案例七年多的随访表明这些结果是永久性的。

帮助鼓励 MBO 2的对照研究 for ASD, we have laid out a hypothetical basis for its efficacy using our own pilot study outcomes and observations together with relevant information from the scientific literature, the most important of which we believe relates to regional brain hypoperfusion, neuroinflammation, and angiogenesis. In investigating research on angiogenesis and autism, we found a 2016 publication concerning autism postmortem brains which identified persistent splitting angiogenesis, as opposed to sprouting angiogenesis, in some regions of all donated autism brains and in none of the age-matched control brains. With this finding and the established effects of hyperoxia on angiogenesis and inflammation, we have developed a hypothesis that potentially accounts for regional cerebral hypoperfusion; delayed, progressive onset of ASD over the early years of life; increased perfusion in hypoperfused regions of the brain following hyperoxic therapy; the broad range of oxygen partial pressures that seem to have impact; permanent reduction in the symptoms of autism resulting from MBO2 ; 也许,一种省时且经济的自闭症治疗方法将有助于改善受影响个体的长期预后。
