


2020 年感染预防:成年男性登革热小脑炎:病例报告和文献综述 - Kathrine Bernadette Apostol - The Medical City Ortigas


Introduction: Purely cerebellar syndromes complicating dengue fever in an adult patient with risk factors for stroke are rare. Our literature review identified only 5 other similar cases, all from tropical countries. The incidence of dengue fever has grown exponentially around the globe in recent years. In Malaysia, dengue fever abnormal signals were seen in his cerebellum, cerebellopontine angle, midbrain, and pons is a public health threat due to its alarming rise in morbidity and mortality rates. At present, there are 18 688 confirmed patients with dengue infection. His blood pressure was 150–160/80–90 mmHg during this acute episode. Dengue fever is on the rise in tropical countries. In Sri Lanka, nearly 45,000 patients were reported in 2012. With the increasing numbers, rare manifestations of dengue are occasionally encountered. We report a patient who presented with bilateral cerebellar signs as the presenting feature of dengue. A 45-year-old previously healthy female from the suburbs of Colombo, Sri Lanka presented with an acute febrile illness associated with unsteadiness of gait a preliminary diagnosis of acute brainstem stroke was entertained given his background of multiple underlying illnesses. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of his brain revealed hyper intense signals at the right corona radiate and left frontal lobe in keeping with old stroke

病例:这是一名36岁高血压、血脂异常的菲律宾男性,因登革热病例而接受治疗。发病第四天,他突然出现小脑症状。神经影像检查呈阴性。我们报告一例患有登革热相关小脑炎的糖尿病患者。我们的文献回顾仅发现了另外 4 个类似病例,全部来自斯里兰卡。我们的报告强调了认识这种与登革热相关的罕见神经系统综合征的重要性。据报道,几种病毒感染可引起小脑炎,例如水痘带状疱疹、EB、单纯疱疹、麻疹、艾滋病毒和柯萨奇病毒。小脑炎可以是原发性感染性小脑炎、感染后小脑炎或疫苗接种后小脑炎。在这 5 例病例中,4 例(包括我们的病例)可能是原发感染,1 例可能是感染后感染。他的血脂异常和高血压得到了相应的药物治疗。他的登革热通过静脉补液和连续全血细胞计数监测进行治疗。他的所有神经系统症状在两周内自然消失。

讨论:住院病例中 0.5% 至 21% 的登革热可表现为神经系统特征。在多个病例报告中,登革热小脑综合征患者均能自行康复,且不会留下永久性神经后遗症。神经系统综合征的发病机制仍有待阐明。病毒的直接入侵和免疫介导的机制被认为会导致神经系统后遗症。六名已知病例中的五名(包括我们的患者)的神经影像学检查结果并不显着。登革热神经系统综合征的确切病理学尚未确定。哪一个在几天内解决了?他不记得自己的大脑计算机断层扫描 (CT) 结果,出院时改良兰金量表 (mRS) 仍保持在 0/6 分。他的生命体征(包括血糖水平)稳定。除了下肢有瘀点外,他的体格检查并无异常。全血细胞计数显示血红蛋白15.1g/dL,红细胞压积43%,白细胞3.3×109/L,血小板81×109/L。他的丙氨酸转氨酶为 59 U/L。肾脏特征正常。Weeratunga 等人首先以病例系列的形式报道了与登革热感染相关的小脑综合征

登革热非结构蛋白抗原1检测和IgM抗体检测均呈阳性,表明急性登革热感染。发烧后 9 天内她就痊愈了,但小脑症状比发烧持续了一周。2014年的病例报告中,脑部磁共振成像正常,小脑体征在发病第17天自然消失。我们的病例(第五例)和文献综述表明,登革热小脑综合征患者往往会自然康复,无需永久性治疗。神经系统后遗症。发病第 5 天检测到登革热 IgM。然而,由于受试者血清免疫球蛋白M(IgM)呈阳性,我们可以得出结论,这可能是免疫介导的。另一种可能的病理是病毒的直接入侵。然而,

