Tiruset Gelaw、Sindu Ayalew、Kassaw Eyene
背景:破伤风是一种由外毒素和强效神经毒素破伤风痉挛引起的急性、通常致命的疾病,破伤风是通过破伤风类毒素免疫接种可预防的疾病,通常对年龄在(15-44)岁之间的育龄妇女进行接种为了保护母亲和新生儿,为了预防孕产妇和新生儿破伤风 为了终身预防破伤风,妇女总共需要注射五剂破伤风类毒素。
Objective: To assess the level of knowledge uptake and associated factors of completing tetanus toxoid vaccine among reproductive age women in Hayk town, SouthWollo, Amhara, Ethiopia in 2020.
Methods and materials: A community based cross-sectional study conducted in Hayk town, South Wollo Amhara, Ethiopia, from November to December on 2020. Data collected using structured and pretested questionnaire, entered in to Epi Data version 3.1 and exported to statistical package for social science version 25.0 for analysis.
Result: Magnitude of uptake of TT2 immunization at Hayk town was 71.2%, have taken at least two doses of TT. But only 35(8.5%) had completed 5 doses of TT according to EPI schedule. Nearly half of 182(44%) of women in the reproductive age group had knowledge on complete TT5 immunization. Educational status, having sort of info on TT5 and knowledge about TT are significantly associated factors for full dose of TT according to EPI schedule.
结论:根据扩大免疫计划,接受 TT2 的女性比例相当高,但接受完整剂量 TT5 的女性比例非常低。大多数研究参与者对 TT 疫苗的了解不足。教育状况、对 TT5 的了解以及对 TT 的了解是根据 EPI 时间表完成全剂量 TT 的显着相关因素。