

国际标准期刊号: 2332-0915


药用植物 2018:仙人掌的药用重要性 - Aimon Hasan - 真纳信德医科大学


目前 ,仙人掌榕因其饮食特性而被人们食用 。长期以来,许多仙人掌属植物的茎和茎被用来治疗烧伤、创伤、水肿、支气管哮喘、高血压、消化不良和2型糖尿病。仙人掌属物种的提取物被提及具有降血糖、抗溃疡、抗氧化、保肝和神经防御活性。然而,关于炎症反应的考虑要少得多 特性。如今,仙人掌成为许多研究的焦点,因为它们含有生物活性(植物化学物质)化合物,这些化合物因其与健康相关的特性而被广泛认可。它揭示了富含仙人掌的食物与减少与氧化应激相关的疾病(包括糖尿病、癌症、心血管和神经退行性疾病)的威胁之间存在着奇妙的相关性。(仙人掌榕) 通常 称为仙人掌,属于仙人掌科的近亲。据称,仙人掌科自己的近亲圈子包括大约130 个属和近1500 个属,所有这些都适合干旱地区和各种气候,并在 世界各地的许多地区归化。仙人掌植物???S成分在许多国家被用作食用理由并作为传统植物 补救措施。在许多国家 ,它被用作自药 和民间 药物。观察这种植物的原因是为了发现其植物化学活性物质及其对抗慢性疾病的功效及其安全性。报告提出仙人掌对多种疾病具有药理作用。骨矿物质密度和钙尿的发展可以拯救您 人们提到了骨质 疏松症,治疗人类酒精宿醉的症状和体征,还发现它对神经元疾病、肾脏疾病、炎症性疾病、肿瘤疾病、抗氧化爱好等具有强大的功效。现代有许多药物治疗可供选择在市场上可以应对持续的疾病,但因素 阅读仙人掌品种的目的是利用草药植物化学物质 ,这些物质可以运行日常 框架 程序 ,且 无毒。

Prickly pear cactus — or additionally called nopal, opuntia and different names — is promoted for treating diabetes, excessive cholesterol, weight problems and hangovers. It's additionally touted for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Some initial proof indicates that prickly pear cactus can lower blood sugar stages in humans with kind 2 diabetes. Some studies additionally indicate that prickly pear cactus extract may also reduce the unsightly consequences of a hangover, in all likelihood because of its anti-inflammatory consequences. It is probably too early to name prickly pear cactus a superfood, however it is able to be a part of a healthful food plan. It's excessive in fiber, antioxidants and carotenoids. Indeed, prickly pear cactus is famous in lots of regions of the world, specifically Latin America, wherein it's miles a local plant. The fit to be eaten components are the leaves, flora, stems and fruit. Prickly pear cactus is eaten whole (boiled or grilled). It is likewise made into juice and jams. If you'd want to strive prickly pear cactus, don't forget easing into it. Side consequences for a few humans consist of slight diarrhea, nausea, accelerated stool volume, accelerated stool frequency and belly fullness.

The cactus genus Opuntia includes a massive organization of species characterised via way of means of flat, jointed or segmented pads regarded in botany as cladodes and in Spanish as no pales (singular: nopal). The cladodes are cylindrical or conical in shape, blanketed with clusters of spines, and are uniquely tailored to a dry desolate tract weather because of thick, waxy stems that save water and decrease water evaporation in a lot the identical manner that leaves do. Yellow, orange, pink, and purple flora develop at the plant. Pear-fashioned culmination, referred to as tunas, mature at the cactus pads in early fall. Two kinds of spines develop at the pads: massive, constant spines, and small, barbed spines that detach from the plant without difficulty. The fruit regularly has clusters of smaller, inconspicuous spines and range in colour from green, yellow, purple, orange, and purple. The fruit incorporates tough seeds surrounded via way of means of a fleshy portion. These succulent shrubs are drought-tolerant and develop in arid and semiarid climates. The prickly pear is local to Mexico however now grows throughout the United States, Australia, and South Africa. Prickly pear may be cultivated and propagated without difficulty due to the fact the pads may be eliminated from the plant and replanted, forming a brand-new growth.

仙人掌含有 大量 维生素和生物活性化合物, 对人体健康有益。垫子和水果的成分不同,但各自提供不同阶段的常量营养素分布、维生素、矿物质和植物化学物质。仙人掌品种的精华富含被称为甜菜红素的抗氧化色素。仙人掌梨果实中的甜菜青苷被发现可以降低低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇水平 摄入并防止 氧化。许多黄烷醇糖苷是源自植物的次生代谢物,具有重要的抗氧化特性,已从 印度榕果浓缩物中分离出来。仙人掌品种含有锰,这 对葡萄糖代谢很重要;镁,有助于调节 蛋白质合成、肌肉和神经功能、血糖和血压;和饮食C. 具有一流的 细腻度和干净的 味道,仙人掌的嫩叶可用作营养丰富的蔬菜和沙拉,以及制作模拟小黄瓜的未成熟最终结果。仙人掌具有过度用水的特性,可以生产动物饲料、蔬菜,最终含有14%的葡萄糖。传统上仙人掌被用作珍贵的 健身 营养品,它也被用于制药行业。仙人掌用途广泛,具有成为未来食物的巨大潜力 。

第四届世界药用植物和天然产物研究大会暨第十二届全球民族医学和民族药理学会议联合活动2018 年 8 月 8 日至 9 日 日本大阪
