




介绍: 贝纳里亚 100% 是一个农业地区,居民超过 50000 人。75%的人口是年轻人。现在没有工厂,没有基础设施,也没有国际支持。70%以上的妇女是文盲。 地点: 纬度=35.849694331° 经度 = 2.011447186° 海拔高度 = 220148.04m 自然农场的目标: 1- 发展该地区 2- 教育和形成 3- 生态旅游活动 4- 以灭绝的方式保护天然植物 Farm Area: The total area of my ancestors farm that has existed since the 16th century is about 114 hectares (Most of it, is mountains). The new farm was created in March 2016 at an area of 5,5 ha. The Natural farm finance is around 20000$ supported by myself (Mr Nadri): Covering, Workers, irrigation system, two water wells failed (no water), more than 500 trees of different varieties. Two houses (The 1st includes an office and a workshop,the 2nd is Eco-touristic), 25 Cells of bees, a farm yard. Natural Farm products: 1- Different Vegetables around the year 2- Honey, Olive Oils and other Oils.. 3- International (Asian,Middle East) vegetables 4- Homemade conservation of many vegetables like olive, jam and more. 5- Medicinal , aromatic Plants and essential oils 6- International fruits,Tropical (Graviola, Avocado, Melon Pepino and Fruits passion) 难点及解决建议: 1- 灌溉用水 2- 农民基金项目 3- 该地区的妇女和青年的培养。 4- 能源和方式。 提案: 1-小型水坝 2- 定期编队 3- 显示该区域的扭转势 4-太阳能