

国际标准期刊号: 2332-0915


2017 年回收博览会:通过回收改善城市固体废物管理 - Grace P Sapuay - 菲律宾固体废物管理协会


回收利用在当今国际上被 称为原始资源,我们用来生产各种产品的资源越来越稀缺。随着人口的增长,对相当多消费品的需求也在增加,而其包装最多可能不再是垃圾。事实上,城市稳定废物一直在以惊人的速度增长。地方政府很难为您提供技术_ 因此,我们可以将城市稳定废物这一庞大技术纳入其中。加强对城市稳定废物控制的一种方法是通过回收利用,因为这可以减少垃圾填埋场内处置废物的程度,将稳定废物转移到回收公司,转化为新物质。它还为消极的人提供了一种新的生活方式 找不到 工作的人,这需要更高的 教育水平 。如今,大多数用于制造的物质都是由回收材料制成的,无论是纸、塑料、罐头、瓶子还是其他东西。具体来说,塑料废物是废物流中唯一最复杂的布料。包装中的塑料物质相对可回收,但最大程度 人类会丢弃这块布,并将它们随意扔到任何地方。例如,菲律宾被认为 是 亚洲1/3 最大的塑料垃圾 制造国。目前正在进行一项营销活动,以防止塑料垃圾进入海洋,因为海洋几乎被塑料垃圾窒息。为了做到这一点,一种绿色和可持续的方法来获得更好的塑料进行回收实际上将 有助于减少和转移这种情况远离海洋、垃圾填埋场和环境的可回收废物的形式。这将大大 有助于 加强城市稳定废物控制。

Solid waste control has constantly been approximately series and disposal of garbage. We have presently moved directly to a greater green series and disposal through the usage of Engineered Sanitary Landfills withinside the Philippines. However, with the growth in populace and the resultant growth in stable waste generation, we're now going for walks out of areas to set up stable waste disposal facilities. An international fashion in stable waste control is toward aid restoration as opposed to disposal of waste. Resource restoration is not constrained to recyclable substances inclusive of tins, glass, paper, plastic and rubber. Resource restoration now entails the restoration of all stable waste substances, inclusive of residual waste. This is the fee of RDF or refuse-derived gasoline. RDF makes use of tremendously flammable residual waste, inclusive of plastics and a few biodegradable substances as gasoline for cement kilns. It is presently being utilized by large cement producers Holcim and La Farge, consisting approximately 10% of the gasoline they use of their cement kilns, which nonetheless makes use of an anticipated 90% coal. The use of RDF, however, as a waste-to-power generation have to nonetheless be carefully monitored beneath Neath RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act 2000 in addition to the Clean Air Act. It stays to be an incinerating generation that calls for system for flue fuel line cleansing device to save you air pollution. If RDF may be maintained as a easy generation and restoration of RDF-certified waste substances may be increased, aid restoration from stable waste turns into greater green, then someday, we are able to sooner or later be capable of reap zero waste.

Solid waste is a city phenomenon which has created a brand-new kind of employment possibilities that has attracted the agricultural migrants who come to the metropolis in search of different way of livelihood. Dumping grounds withinside the towns have such possibilities in waste-choosing in view that this hobby calls for nearly no skill – a process that could effortlessly be carried out through migrants. Waste-choosing gives earnings possibilities that may be effortlessly carried out without the want for files and employers. Unknown to many, these personnel have grown to be crucial to the recuperation of recyclables. Yet, they're the least identified of all employees withinside the city setting. All over the world, the waste-pickers live on managing waste but divulge their very lives to toxics and sicknesses that are threats to their health.

在菲律宾,他们 负责 处理垃圾场中 成堆的可回收物品。但关于他们是谁、他们如何居住以及当局采取了哪些措施来帮助改善他们的生活,我们并没有 太多 了解。 他们的居住和生活方式对这个人类组织提出了人道补救的质疑,他们的体育运动有助于解决问题 该市在稳定的废物管理方面 遇到了麻烦。该调查提供了菲律宾境内一些城市的垃圾收集者概况、社区状况和垃圾场情况。我们的目标是为拾荒者的生活提供一些信息,以及他们面临的问题,例如在这种情况下丢掉工作的风险 垃圾场关闭,以及如果接受适当的培训他们可以利用的可能性。现在的这项事业可以提高这些拾荒者的知名度,提高他们的认可度,同时通过联合体育运动改善他们的生活,并给予他们作为马厩经销商应有的尊重。 废物管理。本文试图给出 这些场景。

这项工作的部分成果将在2017年 7 月 27-29 日意大利罗马举行的第四届世界回收大会暨博览会上展示
