





本文的目的是对咬痕分析进行简短总结:其质量和局限性。对此类伤害的研究和分析是困难且复杂的。如果要为法院获得有用的信息,就应该使用正确的协议来分类、管理、保存、分析和解释该证据。随着数字技术的进步,目前可以提供许多正确且可重复的比较技术,从而有助于防止和减少摄影失真等问题。必须继续分析以扩展我们的皮肤被咬后行为的数据。然而,一旦被赋予了高质量的咬痕,显示了明显的牙齿细节,并且潜在咬合者的范围受到限制,这对于在被咬伤者与被咬伤者之间建立联系或排除无辜者非常有帮助。一项试验中采用了咬痕的检查和分析,以科学地将可能的人的牙列与咬痕联系起来。皮肤或其他材料上也会发现咬痕,应彻底搜查犯罪现场,以找出将某人与违法现场联系起来的被咬物体:在谋杀现场发现的一块被咬的奶酪,以及替代证据,帮助确保 1983 年在英国杀害 3 名结婚后亲属的凶手被定罪。多年来,咬痕证据的使用频率越来越高,大概是因为人们对这种伤害的认识和认识得到提高(通过多学科方法) ),

Bite mark analysis ways have evolved over the years to convey a lot of reliable and duplicable results. However, the behaviour of skin and therefore the underlying tissue throughout the dynamic biting method continues to be not clearly understood and caution with the interpretation of (and conclusions drawn from) these injuries is crucial if this proof is to be helpful and acceptable to the courts. a couple of contentious cases involving biting injuries have emphatic the requirement for standardised protocols, applicable coaching and thoroughly thought-about opinions and conclusions.

The complexness of biting injuries and their analysis and interpretation makes them an excellent challenge even for the foremost old rhetorical odontologist.1 Human bite marks will be found on the skin of the living or deceased, adult or kid, victim or suspect. they'll even be found on inanimate objects like foods,2 wood, leather, or alternative substances. watch out the self-inflicted bite and therefore the alleged amorous or 'love' bite. Sexual assaults, fights, homicides and abusive incidents usually lead to biting injuries and therefore the necessity to involve the rhetorical odontologist. generally it should be necessary to differentiate a bite caused by an individual's dentition from that caused by Associate in Nursing animal. as an example, upset neighbours known as the police after they saw Associate in Nursing 18-month-old kid within the adjoining garden, coated in bruises. On examination, 5 of the injuries were confirmed as human bite marks. The child's mother and man aforesaid the bites should are inflicted by the dog adjoining (a exemplar of the injury not being explained by the history given). Following bite mark analysis, the mother (and dog!) may be excluded from inflicting the bites; the man couldn't.

A bite mark is also outlined as a representative pattern left in Associate in Nursing object or tissue by the dental structures of Associate in Nursing animal or human. this text can limit discussion to those bites caused by the human dentition on skin. It is essential to confirm that proof with reference to the injury is documented, collected, preserved, analysed and taken following applicable protocols and mistreatment scientifically accepted techniques. cooperation is crucial for the right management of proof from these injuries and should involve police, crime scene investigators, pathologists, rhetorical odontologists and DNA personnel. Legal groups could gift the proof to the courts, as this sort of proof is admittible in many countries. Conclusions should be fastidiously thought-about and free from personal bias, {and could|and should|and will} support or refute a conviction; obtaining it wrong may cause a miscarriage of justice Associate in Nursingd captivity of an innocent person (or unharness of the guilty): not acceptable. On vi August 1967, the agitated oldsters of a teen according the she had not get across that night. the subsequent day the body of 15-year-old Linda Peacock was found in an exceedingly memorial park in Biggar, close to Edinburgh, Scotland. She had been affected with a blunt object then stifled with a rope; her garments were disturbed however she had not been raped. On her right breast was Associate in Nursing oval formed bruise, recognized and confirmed as an individual's bite mark that showed bound irregularities of the dentition, as well as indentation of the canine biting edges. Linda's murder afraid each the police and therefore the general public during this quiet village.



