国际标准期刊号: 2161-0665
索菲亚·阿格达 *、A Leitão、G Rocha、H Guimarães
Background and aims: The incidence of neonatal viral infections is probably underestimated. Our objective was to assess the incidence of viral infections among hospitalized infants in a level III neonatal intensive care unit, the associated clinical manifestations and outcome.
Material and methods: We conducted an observational retrospective study of patients admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit over a ten year period (2000-2009), analyzing data of patients with laboratory confirmed viral infection.
结果:入住 NICU 的婴儿中有 1.7% (n=68) 被诊断出病毒感染:32.3% 为呼吸道合胞病毒、17.9% 为偏肺病毒、17.9% 为 H1N1 流感、13.4% 为巨细胞病毒。其他较少发现的病毒有轮状病毒、腺病毒、肠道病毒、副流感病毒、单纯疱疹病毒和水痘带状疱疹病毒。平均住院时间为 30 天,大多数婴儿尚未出生。在出生婴儿中,最常见的病毒是H1N1流感、巨细胞病毒和偏肺病毒。48.5% 的感染发生在早产儿。总死亡率为4.5%。